Thursday, 25 September 2014

Comparison of Music Videos Findings

The key conventions that can be seen in music videos can be identified to establish genre to audience members. This also shows artist as well as genre because some artists have certain iconography or themes which run throughout their music videos.

For example, Guns n Roses are accustom to using musical instruments in their videos, especially guitars.

However, some artists use music videos to convey serious messages of society and the issues within society to audiences. Both BeyoncĂ© and Lady Gaga have videos which express both female empowerment and equality whilst Lady Gaga uses her videos to sound her views on how harsh press and publications can affect herself, and other people on weight and body image. 

Boy band videos are more likely to be light-hearted when it comes to Pop music. They usually sing about a girl which is of interest to them.

There may be shots used of the girl or girls which are being sung about but generally the music video will consist of the band singing in harmony, lip syncing the song together.
It is important to establish not only key conventions, but conventions associated with a particular artist, to create a video that is believable to watch. Our video is for SBTRKT, the usual videos are quite ambiguous and artistic but at the same time usually develop upon the realism seen in them to create a relatable piece. The issues raised in his videos are usually hyperbolic of social situations which are being addressed. Conventions for a video like this would be darkness, so the lightening as to be thought about carefully as well as the vague sense of dissolution.
By Jack Jolly

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